I started pepper and herb seeds a few weeks ago, February 13th to be exact. Dates next to variety are the date they germinated.
Odessa Market (Bell), 2/23
Dragon's Claw (Hot), 2/21
White Habanero (Hot), 2/21
Black Pearl (Hot), 2/21
Thyme, 2/18
Rosemary, 2/22
Cilantro, 2/22
Parsley, 2/23
The onions seem to be doing well. I was concerned for a bit because the tips were browning and curling up. I thought perhaps I kept them too close to the light or over fertilized them, although I only used a very dilute fish emulsion solution. They have all put forth another leaf (if that's what you call them) and appear vigorous. I have not fertilized them again. I've read to keep them snipped to 3-4 inches to promote better root growth. They'll be due for a haircut soon.
Hi! I followed you over from the Baker Creek site and I love your blog!!! I just planted my tomato seedlings last weekend, should be up any time. I use a similar grow light system as yours. Works pretty well!
LBP at Baker Creek
your sprouts look like they are doing really well! only a couple of my tomatoes have sprouted yet and they are just the tiniest sprouts.
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